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Munich - Hamburg - Konstanz - YOUR CITY!

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Munich - Hamburg - Konstanz - YOUR CITY!

BoaznChase is available in German stores so far:
Google Playstore and Apple AppStore!

Ready to play? These bar maps!

6x Munich - 1x Hamburg - 1x Konstanz - YOUR CITY!

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Game Rules

What you need

  • 4 or more friends.
  • Split into two groups: Runaways and Chasers.
  • Hype & curiosity for 2-3 eventful, social, fun hours chasing friends thru bars in your town using this app.


  • Runaways have to visit 5 bars shown on the chase map - in any order - without getting caught by the Chasers.
  • Chasers have to catch the Runaways before they check into their last bar.
  • Chasers won't get to see bars on the map, but have an upgradable geo-tracking of the Runaways, hints to bars where they just checked in, locations of bars where they already checked in in the past, the chase's map area and a Log Book full of pictures when Runaways took challenges.

  • Both groups start in a bar given to them by the app.
  • You collect coins completing fun, social Nightlife-Challenges: Instigating a RockPaperScissor-Tournament with random people, shot rounds, taking pics with other party people... At least one challenge has to be done every 25 mins.
  • Watch out: Most challenges have to be documented with a photo - they're ending up in the Log Book. So your opponent will get to see them!
  • Using the coins, you can activate Agent-Tools, such as Geotracking the opposing team, Obfuscating your own position, Trap the Chasers, Permission to leave a bar, ...

for the Runaways, additionally:

  • You have to check in and out of the bars you visit. To check out, activate the Escape Tool found under Agent Tools.
  • There's a minimum time you need to stay in a bar: 15 mins. It is recommended to not stay in one bar for 3h either, but around 25-30mins.
  • Do not hide - if Chasers are close to you, they should be able to spot you.

for the Chasers

  • The only bar you need to visit is the starting point bar. Apart from that: Find the Runaways!
  • In case you see the Runaways, quick! Take a photo, upload it via the binoculars-icon - and declare victory over your friends!
  • Recommendation: despite all the chase rage, complete a challenge in each bar you enter and stay for 15-20mins - even you as Chasers should have some fun ;)

Have Fun!

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